
This week I was presented with a challenge. My journalism professor wanted me to try and make his favorite Mexican candy, Jamoncillo. It  also called Jamoncillo de Leche.

After speaking with my mentor, Carmen, I received these simple instructions. Take one cup of whole milk for each cup of white sugar, bring to a boil in a pot then set to low and let simmer until it has thickened.

With these guiding words I returned to my aunt’s house to use her kitchen and set to work solo.

I combined the two ingredients in a pot and set it on the stove on high. Once it came to a bowl I set it to 1 and left it to cook.

At first it was a creamy white color, but as it continued to cook it started to become darker.

I left it for about 5 minutes at a time and only stirred it occasionally.  

After 30 minutes on the stove the color resembled the color of the candy Jay had brought me from Mexico. The liquid mixture wasn’t too thick but it was similar to syrup.

I dropped balls of sugar just a little bigger than a quarter on the wax paper covering the cookie sheet. The mixture was still really hot so once I had done about 6 I went back and added more to the tops of the already cooled drops so they could build up into balls.

As I worked the mixture continued to cool, though it was still really hot and I made the mistake of putting my finger in some which burned it. But the last drops that I made with cooled mixture resembled the sample candies the most.

Once they had cooled sufficiently I taste tested them. Though they had the same flavor I found the samples to be more like a fudge texture whereas my candies seem to crumble in your mouth.

My aunt suggested that I stir the mixture more next time as I let it simmer on low and that might’ve helped the texture. 

But for a first try I don’t think they turned out too bad. Now go be adventurous and try this simple recipe yourself. Maybe it’s too simple for you too!

Buen Provecho!

If you like Jamoncillo, I found a website where you can order all different varieties…just in case your homemade ones don’t work out.

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